Codes - 2017 Electrical Inspector Certification Preparation-EE207-02-08/25/25

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Brief Description
35 Hour Course
Full Description
This course is a 5-day course on Electrical Certification Preparation. This course begins with two days of training in 1 & 2 Family Electrical Inspection from the 2018 International Residential Code, and two days of training in General Electrical using the 2017 NFPA 70 – National Electric Code, with a final day of review and practice exam. Students will receive a lecture, participate in class exercises, interact with the instructor, and take a practice exam in order to be prepared when taking their actual electrical inspector certification exam.
Training Dates
08/25/2025 - 08/29/2025
None Specified
Registration Dates
08/25/2024 - 08/24/2025
Available Seats
35h 0m
Training Location
Tennessee Fire and Codes Academy
2161 Unionville Deason Rd
Bell Buckle, TN  37020
Reporting Instructions
Class begins at 8:00 AM
Housing is optional
Check-In 08/24/2025
Check-Out 08/29/2025

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