Codes - Fire Inspector II Week 1-CF203-06-09/08/25

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Brief Description
35 Hour Course Week 1 of 2
Full Description
This course will be conducted by the Tennessee Fire and Codes Academy (TFACA), and will be tested / certified by the TN Fire Fighting Commission (FFC), which is IFSAC and Pro Board Accredited. The TFACA Fire Inspector II course is for students who would require the intermediate and advanced knowledge, skills and abilities of a Fire Inspector II, and have already obtained their Fire Inspector I certification. Fire Inspector II candidates will a conduct more in-depth study using the IFSTA publication “Fire Inspection & Codes Enforcement 8th Edition”, NFPA 1031 and the International Fire Code in order to prepare students for successful completion of the testing and certification process that includes: 4 TFACA Chapter review test, a FFC Practical Exam, and a FFC Certification Exam. This course is compliant with the Fire Inspector II Job Performance Requirements (JPRs) of NFPA 1031 Standard for Professional Qualifications for Fire Inspector and Plan Examiner.
Training Dates
09/08/2025 - 09/12/2025
Fire Inspector I Week 1
Fire Inspector I Week 2
Registration Dates
09/08/2024 - 09/07/2025
Available Seats
35h 0m
Training Location
Tennessee Fire and Codes Academy
2161 Unionville Deason Rd
Bell Buckle, TN  37020
Resources Required
IFSTA Fire Inspection & Code Enforcement 8th Ed
2018 NFPA 101 Life Safety Code  (Or current edition used in jurisdiction)
2018 International Fire Code     (Or current edition used in jurisdiction)
2018 International Building Code  (Or current edition used in jurisdiction)  
Reporting Instructions
Class begins at 8:00 AM
Housing is optional
Check-In 09/07/2025
Check-Out 09/12/2025

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