Fire - Aerial Driver/Operator-FA113-07/14/25

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Brief Description
40 Hour Course
Full Description
Upon successful completion of this course, the student shall demonstrate an understanding of how to effectively operate an aerial fire apparatus at a fire or emergency scene. Major topics covered in the course include an Introduction to Aerial Fire Apparatus, Positioning Aerial Fire Apparatus, Stabilizing Aerial Apparatus, Operating Aerial Apparatus, and Aerial Apparatus Strategy and Tactics.
Training Dates
07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025
Pumper Driver Operator Week 1
Pumper Driver Operator Week 2
Registration Dates
07/14/2024 - 07/13/2025
Available Seats
The maximum capacity for this class has been reached. Your request can be added to the waitlist. Additional seats may become available for future enrollment.
40h 0m
Training Location
Tennessee Fire and Codes Academy
2161 Unionville Deason Rd
Bell Buckle, TN  37020
Resources Required
Pen, Pencil, Paper
NFPA Compliant Structural Firefighting Clothing
IFSTA Pumping and Aerial Apparatus Driver/Operator 3rd Edition Handbook only.
Reporting Instructions
Class begins at 8:00 AM
Housing is optional
Check-In 07/13/2025
Check-Out 07/18/2025
Signup Details
***In order to be eligible for TN Commission on FF Testing for Certification upon completion of this program, on the first day, students will need to bring with them to class the following completed Tennessee Commission on Firefighting individual skill sheets: AADO-2, AADO-3, AADO-4, AADO-5, AADO-6, AADO-11. If these are not completed, students will not be eligible to test at the end of the program. We will NOT be completing these skills within the new one week format.

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