Fire - Advanced Pump Operations-DO113-10/27/25

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Brief Description
40 Hour Course
Full Description
Serving as the pump operator is one of the most important roles on the fireground. The pump operator is often times tasked with operating by themselves during stressful situations, and expected to perform flawlessly. This 40 hour course is designed to take the skill set of current pump operators to the next level. The class will focus on teaching students field proven skills that will enable them to operate more efficiently on the fireground as either an attack or supply engine operator.
The course will be composed of roughly 8 hours of classroom instruction and 32 hours of hands-on scenarios. Topics covered in this course include: positioning considerations for the attack & supply pumpers, troubleshooting remedies, heavy hydrant hookups, 4-way hydrant valve operations, methods for overcoming blocked hydrants, overcoming weak hydrants, dual pumping operations, tandem pumping operations, alternative drafting methods, multiple intake drafting, multiple dump tank operations, TurboDraft operations, advanced dump and fill site tactics, and methods for supplying large caliber streams from aerial apparatus. By the conclusion of this class, students will have aquired the skills necessary for serving as a mastery level pump operator.
Training Dates
10/27/2025 - 10/31/2025
Fire Apparatus Driver/Operator Series OR Pumper Driver/Operator Series
Registration Dates
06/14/2024 - 10/26/2025
Available Seats
40h 0m
Training Location
Tennessee Fire and Codes Academy
2161 Unionville Deason Rd
Bell Buckle, TN  37020
Resources Required
Pencil Paper
NFPA Compliant Firefighting Clothing including PPE
Reporting Instructions
Class begins at 8:00 AM
Housing is optional
Check-In 10/26/2025
Check-Out 10/31/2025

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