Codes - Food Trucks & Mobile Cooking Units-CF243-02-Brentwood FD-06/06/24

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Brief Description
3.5 Hour Course
Full Description
One of the more challenging areas in the practice of fire inspection is insuring the safety of owners, occupants, customers, and other participants who operate and surround food trucks, trailers, mobile kiosks, and other forms of mobile cooking units. Issues such as proper separation, cooking related heat, cooking related fire, utility hook-ups, electrical, fire suppression measures, flame-spread, flame retardants, and a host of other considerations must be anticipated, discovered, and evaluated at numerous special events within each jurisdiction. Then the inspector must be able to enforce the fire codes and standards fairly and adequately where issues are found. Added to these challenges is often the difficulty of corresponding with a responsible party who may or may not be operating the unit, and who will move on to another location within days of an inspection. This course addresses these issues and offers code and standard interpretations as well as practical experience from personnel who have dealt with such mobile units.
Training Dates
06/06/2024 - 06/06/2024
None Specified
Registration Dates
06/07/2023 - 06/05/2024
Available Seats
3h 30m
None Specified
Training Location
Brentwood Fire Rescue Sta #4
1300 Sunset DR
Brentwood, TN  37027
Reporting Instructions
Class begins at 1:00 PM

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